Why was there no sequel to Wedding Crashers?

– Xochielt Sanchez

Answer by David Dobkin:

Wedding Crashers came out at a time when people weren’t doing lots of sequels. We did come up with a great take. Vince, Owen and myself sat around at Owen's house one day and broke the story. It was really really funny. We wanted Daniel Craig to be the ultimate wedding crasher, with his sexy body and his speedo, and the two guys would be incredibly threatened by him. He was like the next generation terminator of wedding crashing.

Why was there no sequel to Wedding Crashers?

Bend-gate aftermath: Now that we are several weeks after the launch of the iPhone 6 plus, what is the up to date verdict on the bending i…

– Xochielt Sanchez

Answer by Glyn Williams:

The press and the tech-interested public regard Apple differently than other companies.

Apple themselves behave differently. They don't follow the pack, and this irritates commentators and experts who think they know best.

As a result Apple is placed under more passionate scrutiny than any other tech company. If LG launches a flawed product, who would care?  If Apple do anything less than simply amazing, people stop and point. And then make web postings about how they stopped and pointed.

Apple news of any kind generates a click frenzy. Those who like Apple will click on it. And those who hate Apple will click on it.  And there are a lot of people in both camps.

So any small flaw from Apple is magnified.

The question remains is the bendability of a $1000 phablet …
a) a serious design flaw
b) a minor design flaw
c) or simply inevitable laws of physics as apply to thin metal things.

My view is that it's either b or c.  And exactly which depends on what you consider to be a reasonable amount of force for a thin device to sustain.

If you personally think such a device should be very stiff, I'd advise that you go and buy another phone.  This is not the product for you.  
If you don't intend to use it as a seat cushion, and will be putting it in bag then you are probably going to be fine. People seem to like using it.

It looks like a very small number of people, who would never buy Apple in the first place, have nontheless decided to launch a tech-jihad around this issue.  I do hope their fearless quest for justice gives them the happiness they seek.

Bend-gate aftermath: Now that we are several weeks after the launch of the iPhone 6 plus, what is the up to date verdict on the bending i…

Why do I see mothers sit and play on their phones at playgrounds and ignore their children?

– Xochielt Sanchez

Answer by Peter Flom:

Not much to add to the good answers already but:

1. It is, in most situations, very hard to see someone ignoring something.
2. Good parents give their kids both roots and wings.
3. A lot depends on the age of the kid. When my younger son was 2, I watched him a lot and hardly sat down (unless he was also sitting). At 7, I hardly watched him at all. He knew what to do and where I was.
4. It also depends on the kid. Some kids want and/or need more supervision than others. Many kids prefer to play with other kids.
5. Even if a parent's eyes are on a phone, their ears may be on their kid.

Why do I see mothers sit and play on their phones at playgrounds and ignore their children?

How long do you count before throwing a grenade?

Interesting – Xochielt Sanchez

Answer by Noam Kaiser:

You DON'T count before throwing a grenade.
You count AFTER throwing it.

I'll explain.

Having pulled the pin out, the grenade still does not go off.
If you are holding it correctly, the trigger – that's the long "handle" to the side of the grenade, hasn't been released yet.

Here's a standard issue M26 grenade, trigger across the right.

​Once you throw the grenade the trigger gets loose, and a 3 second delay is available till the detonation occurs.

That's why there is no point counting before.
Counting afterwards is meant to give the thrower's teammates an indication on time to explosion.

Helps prevent your ear drums from tearing open if not protected, and ensure no one runs into the area that's about to be covered with debris Before it does.

Now, sure, I too have seen the Hollywood heroes who let the trigger go, count till the last second and then throw (Notice the actors usually hold the trigger because they have no idea what they're doing…)
Anyway – if I had such a "hero" in my team, I'd throw him along with the grenade.

Explosives are not a toy.
You don't play with them.

How long do you count before throwing a grenade?

What is some good roller skating music?

– Xochielt Sanchez

Answer by Peter Baskerville:

I was a part of the huge surge in roller skating in Australia during the late 60's early 70's when it was the 'thing to do' for energetic teenagers deprived of today's electronic wizardry. Back then, most skating rinks included a mix of instrumental music from 'The Shadows' and none was more popular than this one (Apache) with it's driving beat that just seemed to make you want to go faster and faster … no doubt it would still do the same for today's roller skaters.

What is some good roller skating music?

Would a pendulum swing in orbit?

– Xochielt Sanchez

Answer by Robert Frost:

No, not a simple pendulum.  A simple pendulum needs gravity to accelerate it on the downward and decelerate it on the upward.  Here's a video of astronaut Don Pettit explaining this concept and showing a way to make a pendulum work in space by introducing a substitute for gravity.


Would a pendulum swing in orbit?

Why is it so hard to arrest a “known” kingpin?

– Xochielt Sanchez

Answer by Jon Mixon:

Multiple reasons, including:

  1. By the time that someone becomes a “kingpin” they are almost always adept criminals – By this, I mean that they have learned to insulate themselves from the majority of criminal activity and their minions are the ones who actually perform those activities.
  2. An actual kingpin can afford some of the best defense attorneys available – This often intimidates prosecutors as their limited resources can be strained in a prolonged battle with a wealthy criminal kingpin. Also, a great defense attorney can delay and defer prosecution for months or years leading to evidence disappearing and witnesses changing their minds or their stories
  3. True kingpins can intimidate or eliminate witnesses  against them – Testifying against a kingpin can be a risky situation for people. The kingpin not only has loyal subordinates who may do anything from threaten to kill you, they can also hire outside “professionals” to do the same. The thought of risking one’s life (or the lives of family members or friends) can be enough to keep people from testifying or cooperating with the authorities.
  4. There are probable links between the kingpin and the authorities and political leaders in many communities – A “smart” crime boss uses bribes, blackmail and extortion to insure that his or her prosecution may prove to be painful or politically disastrous for the power structure where they reign. This often slows investigations down and may actually halt some of them before they lead to indictments and prosecutions.
  5. A kingpin will be almost immediately replaced by another leading criminal – What is never really discussed is that while organized crime is violent, most of its violence centers around its members. Replacing mostly nonviolent criminals who you know with a new lineup of less pragmatic and less intelligent violent ones is often a Faustian bargain.

Why is it so hard to arrest a "known" kingpin?

Why would anyone buy a Rolex watch?

Because – Xochielt Sanchez

Answer by Ryan Bich Tran:

Good question for me. I used to own 2 rolexes, now I wear a $12 timex. When I first got the Rolex it was nice to wear. Heavy and big, instantly noticeable to everyone around me.
But then it didn't go well with shorts and flip flops, so I had to dress well with it. Then I started to misplace it as I'm an active person. Every workout or bike ride or swim I wonder wear I left it. Then I bumped it a few times, oh crap did I scratch it? "That's 10k I may have  ruined" I thought. I then realize I didn't own the Rolex, it owned me, I was beholden to it, always worrying about it. In it's defense I was able to sell it for $500 more than I bought it for 4 years earlier.

Now I wear a $12 timex which I own, not the other way around. The other day I put a big scratch on it doing a kettlebell workout designed by Darren Beattie (very active on Quora).  Didn't bother me one bit. If I lose it I'll just buy another one 🙂

Why would anyone buy a Rolex watch?

Why is there salt in the ocean?

– Xochielt Sanchez

Answer by Robert Frost:

The salt in the ocean comes from a few sources, but largely it comes from the breakdown of minerals in rocks and sediments on land, carried by rivers to the ocean.

The fresh water from the river carries a small amount of salts to the sea.  Then evaporation lifts fresh water into the air, but leaves the salt in the ocean.  That moisture in the air condenses and falls over land, flowing into rivers and carrying new salts to the ocean.

And over.  And over.  And over.  So that over millions of years, the oceans have accumulated a lot of salt.

Why is there salt in the ocean?